Monday, December 14, 2009

Physics 208, khalas

Physics 208 and the final are over, which means I'm halfway through a year in Qatar now (that's too soon). In a month, team Physics will be meeting a new class of first-years, but all the same, I'm going to miss seeing the second-years on such a regular basis. Most of our job, day in and day out, is exactly as advertised -- teaching physics and grading homework -- but one of the best parts otherwise has been to get to know our students little by little as they've come into the office throughout the semester. By either nationality or residence, we've had students this semester who are from right here Qatar, in addition to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, India, Pakistan, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, the USA, and more places I'm sure I've forgotten. And they have lots of stories, all told. It's been fun comparing notes on our 90s childhoods and video games and the high school years, sharing travel suggestions and visa horror stories, getting lessons in Arabic (my "2nd grade handwriting" notwithstanding), and, maybe just even exchanging a prank or two.

In the meantime, khalas. I fly to China on the 16th, and classes start up again on Jan 10.

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